
Shitty Picture Awesome Game

This is a horrible picture of the Sushi Chef game from the PAX 10. You
collect ingredients to make increasingly complex sushi concoctions for
various customers (who look sort of like those litle creatures in the
woods in Princess Mononoke .... What are they called?).

The PAX 10 games are all pretty nifty, but the dev for this one gave
me a free t-shirt. Plus, sushi themed games are sorely under-


Jon V said...

Sushi should be made to be eaten, not to be played. That'd be like making a Donut Making Game. Simply not acceptable in my book. It taunts me with tasty virtual fish that only satisfy 1 of my senses! What about the other 4 senses??? I want smell-o-vision, touch-o-vision and taste-o-vision!

Though I suppose it'd be pretty horrific if there was taste-o-vision...

steadyflux said...

actually the taste-o-vision would awesome the first day, nut pretty much take a nose dive immediately.